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  • President: Bruce Reier  

  • VP Service: Abel Lu

  • VP Communication: Aaron Wang -

  • Treasurer: To be elected fall 2021

  • Secretary: To be elected fall 2021

  • VP President-Elect: To be elected fall 2021

  • VP Service-Elect: To be elected fall 2021

  • VP Communication-Elect: To be elected fall 2021

Advisor: Mr. Matt Katsuleris (

***Please use your WCPSS email to contact the advisor***


Applying for an NTHS Officer Position

Officer candidates self-nominate for positions.  


The following NTHS offices will be elected in at the first NTHS meeting. New members are encouraged to apply:

  • VP President-Elect - Juniors only. This position is in line to become the President for NTHS in the student's senior year. This position has a two-year term.

  • VP Service-Elect - Juniors only. This position is in line to become the VP of Service for NTHS in the student's senior year. This position has a two-year term.

  • VP Communications-Elect - Juniors only. This position is in line to become the VP of Communication for NTHS in the student's senior year. This position has a two-year term.

  • Treasurer - Junior or Senior. This position has a one-year term.

  • Secretary – Junior or Senior. This position has a one-year term.


To apply for an officer position:



All officer applications are reviewed by the faculty advisor and the answers to leadership questions will be shared with NTHS members to help them choose the best candidate. Officer candidates should be prepared to give a one-minute speech on why they are the best candidate at the first NTHS meeting (this is a polite election, no candidate may disparage another candidate).


NTHS Officer Descriptions


President: SENIOR - Responsible for managing the activities of other officers; leading the NTHS meetings; planning meeting agendas; acting as a responsible and positive role model.  Assists in determining NTHS policy conducts the general activities of the chapter.  Represents the chapter at official chapter gatherings. President-Elect rises to this position in their senior year provided they have successfully completed the responsibilities of the President-Elect position as a junior.


President-Elect: JUNIOR - Assists the President in coordinating the activities of the chapter. Leads meetings if the President is absent. In line to become next year’s NTHS President if they have successfully completed the responsibilities of this position. Elected from juniors in the fall.


Treasurer: JR or SR - Responsible for all financial matters related to the club, including keeping an Excel spreadsheet of paid members and member service hours. Tracks member hours with input from the Secretary and VP of Service. Tracks payments for graduation chords. Elected in the fall.


Secretary: JR or SR - Takes attendance at general meetings and creates meeting minutes at officer meetings. Updates the online service hours spreadsheet with attendance after each meeting. Turns in minutes of the meetings to Mr. Katsuleris to post on a GHHS website.  Keeps all chapter records and manages society’s correspondence. Elected in the spring.


Vice President of Communication: SENIOR – Responsible for posting announcements for meetings. Is responsible for publicity in recruiting new members in the fall.  Is the liaison to the school newspaper and yearbook. Takes pictures of meetings and events to share with the yearbook and newspaper. Develops and maintains the NTHS website.  Communication VP Elect rises to this position in their senior year provided they have successfully completed the responsibilities of the Communication VP Elect position as a junior.


Communication VP Elect: JUNIOR - Assists VP Communication with posting morning announcements for meetings and to the GHHS Falcon Feed. Is responsible for publicity in recruiting new members in the fall.  Is the liaison to the school newspaper and yearbook. Take pictures of meetings and events to share with yearbook and newspaper. Maintains the NTHS website. In line to become next year’s VP of Communication if they have successfully completed the responsibilities of this position if successful in this position. Elected from juniors in the fall.


Vice President of  Service: SENIOR - Develops, plans, and organizes inside service project(s). Works with local community service coordinators to develop service projects for NTHS. Continually updates the GHHS NTHS Events webpage with new events. Recruits and manages a project manager for each inside club service activity. Responsible for getting students involved by promoting the service activities. Develops Sign-Up Genius pages for each service activity. Service VP Elect rises to this position in their senior year provided they have successfully completed the responsibilities of the Service VP Elect position as a junior.


Service VP Elect: JUNIOR - Assists VP of Service in developing, plans and organizing inside service project(s). Assists VP of Svc in recruiting and managing project managers for each in inside club service activity. Assists in getting students involved by promoting the service activities. Assists in coordinating the posting of service activities on the NTHS website with the VP of Communication and VP Communication elect. Assists in developing Sign-Up Genius pages for each service activity. In line to become next year’s VP of Service if successful in this position. Elected from juniors in the fall.


Project Manager: JR or SR – not an elected position, but may volunteer to lead one of the inside club service activities. This position is responsible for planning, organizing, and managing the organization’s participation in an activity. May sign for volunteer or donation hours for students.


Site redesigning by Raga Dasana and Wilson Matsuo, Remind by Arsalan Khan, 2019.


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